House for associations in Cividale del Friuli

Implementation concept submitted by: ARES

Place: Municipality Cividale del Friuli, Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

Category (new/renovation): renovation

Type of building
Kind of public use: building for associations

Owner and Costs
Name of owner: Comune di Cividale del Friuli
Total costs: 1’600’000€
Financing resources: Regional contribution and own resources

Short description of the pilot project
It is a great building in Cividale, now partly unused and unfinished , that the City intends to purchase.The type of intervention is a general renovation and change of intended use (from sports to space for sports and cultural associations).

Process and planning quality
The municipality intends to build a building with a high energy efficiency and be sure that at the end of the renovation it will reach the performance of the project.

Implementation of service package
Module 00: Green energy audit on existing buildings: energy and environmental audit protocol based on Protocollo ITACA – Module 0: Presentation of modules and results with the communal authorities  – Module 1: Preliminary planning: definition of ecological aims in a program, supervision in competition  – Module 2: Optimization of planning, tendering procedure:monitoring of offers

Energy and Utilities

a)  Primary energy demand
The renovation project will reach a score of 1.2 with the Protocol ITACA “Energy for heating” criteria.

 b)    Renewable energy
The renovation project will analyze whether renewable energy sources will be needed in the building

Health and Comfort
Reduction of the average thermal transmittance of the envelope elements and increase the thermal inertia of the same elements – possible use of solar shading

Building materials and Constructions
The renovation project will reach a medium score of Protocol ITACA “Materials from renewable sources” “Local materials for finishes” “Environmentally certified materials” criteria.